import { Entity, Index, JoinColumn, Column, PrimaryColumn, ManyToOne } from 'typeorm'; import { User } from './user'; import { DriveFile } from './drive-file'; import { id } from '../id'; import { noteVisibilities } from '../../types'; import { Channel } from './channel'; @Entity() @Index('IDX_NOTE_TAGS', { synchronize: false }) export class Note { @PrimaryColumn(id()) public id: string; @Index() @Column('timestamp with time zone', { comment: 'The created date of the Note.' }) public createdAt: Date; @Index() @Column({, nullable: true, comment: 'The ID of reply target.' }) public replyId: Note['id'] | null; @ManyToOne(type => Note, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) @JoinColumn() public reply: Note | null; @Index() @Column({, nullable: true, comment: 'The ID of renote target.' }) public renoteId: Note['id'] | null; @ManyToOne(type => Note, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) @JoinColumn() public renote: Note | null; @Column('varchar', { length: 8192, nullable: true }) public text: string | null; @Column('varchar', { length: 256, nullable: true }) public name: string | null; @Column('varchar', { length: 512, nullable: true }) public cw: string | null; @Index() @Column({, comment: 'The ID of author.' }) public userId: User['id']; @ManyToOne(type => User, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) @JoinColumn() public user: User | null; @Column('boolean', { default: false }) public viaMobile: boolean; @Column('boolean', { default: false }) public localOnly: boolean; @Column('smallint', { default: 0 }) public renoteCount: number; @Column('smallint', { default: 0 }) public repliesCount: number; @Column('jsonb', { default: {} }) public reactions: Record; /** * public ... 公開 * home ... ホームタイムライン(ユーザーページのタイムライン含む)のみに流す * followers ... フォロワーのみ * specified ... visibleUserIds で指定したユーザーのみ */ @Column('enum', { enum: noteVisibilities }) public visibility: typeof noteVisibilities[number]; @Index({ unique: true }) @Column('varchar', { length: 512, nullable: true, comment: 'The URI of a note. it will be null when the note is local.' }) public uri: string | null; @Column('varchar', { length: 512, nullable: true, comment: 'The human readable url of a note. it will be null when the note is local.' }) public url: string | null; @Column('integer', { default: 0, select: false }) public score: number; @Index() @Column({, array: true, default: '{}' }) public fileIds: DriveFile['id'][]; @Index() @Column('varchar', { length: 256, array: true, default: '{}' }) public attachedFileTypes: string[]; @Index() @Column({, array: true, default: '{}' }) public visibleUserIds: User['id'][]; @Index() @Column({, array: true, default: '{}' }) public mentions: User['id'][]; @Column('text', { default: '[]' }) public mentionedRemoteUsers: string; @Column('varchar', { length: 128, array: true, default: '{}' }) public emojis: string[]; @Index() @Column('varchar', { length: 128, array: true, default: '{}' }) public tags: string[]; @Column('boolean', { default: false }) public hasPoll: boolean; @Index() @Column({, nullable: true, default: null, comment: 'The ID of source channel.' }) public channelId: Channel['id'] | null; @ManyToOne(type => Channel, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) @JoinColumn() public channel: Channel | null; //#region Denormalized fields @Index() @Column('varchar', { length: 128, nullable: true, comment: '[Denormalized]' }) public userHost: string | null; @Column({, nullable: true, comment: '[Denormalized]' }) public replyUserId: User['id'] | null; @Column('varchar', { length: 128, nullable: true, comment: '[Denormalized]' }) public replyUserHost: string | null; @Column({, nullable: true, comment: '[Denormalized]' }) public renoteUserId: User['id'] | null; @Column('varchar', { length: 128, nullable: true, comment: '[Denormalized]' }) public renoteUserHost: string | null; //#endregion constructor(data: Partial) { if (data == null) return; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(data)) { (this as any)[k] = v; } } } export type IMentionedRemoteUsers = { uri: string; url?: string; username: string; host: string; }[];