import Vue from 'vue'; import { EventEmitter } from 'eventemitter3'; import * as uuid from 'uuid'; import initStore from './store'; import { apiUrl, swPublickey, version, lang, googleMapsApiKey } from './config'; import Progress from './common/scripts/loading'; import Connection from './common/scripts/streaming/stream'; import { HomeStreamManager } from './common/scripts/streaming/home'; import { DriveStreamManager } from './common/scripts/streaming/drive'; import { ServerStatsStreamManager } from './common/scripts/streaming/server-stats'; import { NotesStatsStreamManager } from './common/scripts/streaming/notes-stats'; import { MessagingIndexStreamManager } from './common/scripts/streaming/messaging-index'; import { ReversiStreamManager } from './common/scripts/streaming/games/reversi/reversi'; import Err from './common/views/components/connect-failed.vue'; import { LocalTimelineStreamManager } from './common/scripts/streaming/local-timeline'; import { GlobalTimelineStreamManager } from './common/scripts/streaming/global-timeline'; //#region api requests let spinner = null; let pending = 0; //#endregion export type API = { chooseDriveFile: (opts: { title?: string; currentFolder?: any; multiple?: boolean; }) => Promise; chooseDriveFolder: (opts: { title?: string; currentFolder?: any; }) => Promise; dialog: (opts: { title: string; text: string; actions?: Array<{ text: string; id?: string; }>; }) => Promise; input: (opts: { title: string; placeholder?: string; default?: string; }) => Promise; post: (opts?: { reply?: any; renote?: any; }) => void; notify: (message: string) => void; }; /** * Misskey Operating System */ export default class MiOS extends EventEmitter { /** * Misskeyの /meta で取得できるメタ情報 */ private meta: { data: { [x: string]: any }; chachedAt: Date; }; private isMetaFetching = false; public app: Vue; public new(vm, props) { const x = new vm({ parent:, propsData: props }).$mount(); document.body.appendChild(x.$el); return x; } /** * Whether is debug mode */ public get debug() { return ? : false; } public store: ReturnType; public apis: API; /** * A connection manager of home stream */ public stream: HomeStreamManager; /** * Connection managers */ public streams: { localTimelineStream: LocalTimelineStreamManager; globalTimelineStream: GlobalTimelineStreamManager; driveStream: DriveStreamManager; serverStatsStream: ServerStatsStreamManager; notesStatsStream: NotesStatsStreamManager; messagingIndexStream: MessagingIndexStreamManager; reversiStream: ReversiStreamManager; } = { localTimelineStream: null, globalTimelineStream: null, driveStream: null, serverStatsStream: null, notesStatsStream: null, messagingIndexStream: null, reversiStream: null }; /** * A registration of service worker */ private swRegistration: ServiceWorkerRegistration = null; /** * Whether should register ServiceWorker */ private shouldRegisterSw: boolean; /** * ウィンドウシステム */ public windows = new WindowSystem(); /** * MiOSインスタンスを作成します * @param shouldRegisterSw ServiceWorkerを登録するかどうか */ constructor(shouldRegisterSw = false) { super(); this.shouldRegisterSw = shouldRegisterSw; //#region BIND this.log = this.log.bind(this); this.logInfo = this.logInfo.bind(this); this.logWarn = this.logWarn.bind(this); this.logError = this.logError.bind(this); this.init = this.init.bind(this); this.api = this.api.bind(this); this.getMeta = this.getMeta.bind(this); this.registerSw = this.registerSw.bind(this); //#endregion if (this.debug) { (window as any).os = this; } } private googleMapsIniting = false; public getGoogleMaps() { return new Promise((res, rej) => { if ((window as any).google && (window as any).google.maps) { res((window as any).google.maps); } else { this.once('init-google-maps', () => { res((window as any).google.maps); }); //#region load google maps api if (!this.googleMapsIniting) { this.googleMapsIniting = true; (window as any).initGoogleMaps = () => { this.emit('init-google-maps'); }; const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; const script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('src', `${googleMapsApiKey}&callback=initGoogleMaps`); script.setAttribute('async', 'true'); script.setAttribute('defer', 'true'); head.appendChild(script); } //#endregion } }); } public log(...args) { if (!this.debug) return; console.log.apply(null, args); } public logInfo(...args) { if (!this.debug) return;, args); } public logWarn(...args) { if (!this.debug) return; console.warn.apply(null, args); } public logError(...args) { if (!this.debug) return; console.error.apply(null, args); } public signout() {'logout'); location.href = '/'; } /** * Initialize MiOS (boot) * @param callback A function that call when initialized */ public async init(callback) { = initStore(this); //#region Init stream managers this.streams.serverStatsStream = new ServerStatsStreamManager(this); this.streams.notesStatsStream = new NotesStatsStreamManager(this); this.once('signedin', () => { // Init home stream manager = new HomeStreamManager(this,; // Init other stream manager this.streams.localTimelineStream = new LocalTimelineStreamManager(this,; this.streams.globalTimelineStream = new GlobalTimelineStreamManager(this,; this.streams.driveStream = new DriveStreamManager(this,; this.streams.messagingIndexStream = new MessagingIndexStreamManager(this,; this.streams.reversiStream = new ReversiStreamManager(this,; }); //#endregion // ユーザーをフェッチしてコールバックする const fetchme = (token, cb) => { let me = null; // Return when not signed in if (token == null) { return done(); } // Fetch user fetch(`${apiUrl}/i`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ i: token }) }) // When success .then(res => { // When failed to authenticate user if (res.status !== 200) { return this.signout(); } // Parse response res.json().then(i => { me = i; me.token = token; done(); }); }) // When failure .catch(() => { // Render the error screen document.body.innerHTML = '
'; new Vue({ render: createEl => createEl(Err) }).$mount('#err'); Progress.done(); }); function done() { if (cb) cb(me); } }; // フェッチが完了したとき const fetched = () => { this.emit('signedin'); // Finish init callback(); // Init service worker if (this.shouldRegisterSw) this.registerSw(); }; // キャッシュがあったとき if ( != null) { if ( == null) { this.signout(); return; } // とりあえずキャッシュされたデータでお茶を濁して(?)おいて、 fetched(); // 後から新鮮なデータをフェッチ fetchme(, freshData => {'mergeMe', freshData); }); } else { // Get token from cookie const i = (document.cookie.match(/i=(!\w+)/) || [null, null])[1]; fetchme(i, me => { if (me) {'login', me); fetched(); } else { // Finish init callback(); } }); } } /** * Register service worker */ private registerSw() { // Check whether service worker and push manager supported const isSwSupported = ('serviceWorker' in navigator) && ('PushManager' in window); // Reject when browser not service worker supported if (!isSwSupported) return; // Reject when not signed in to Misskey if (! return; // When service worker activated navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(registration => { this.log('[sw] ready: ', registration); this.swRegistration = registration; // Options of pushManager.subscribe // SEE: const opts = { // A boolean indicating that the returned push subscription // will only be used for messages whose effect is made visible to the user. userVisibleOnly: true, // A public key your push server will use to send // messages to client apps via a push server. applicationServerKey: urlBase64ToUint8Array(swPublickey) }; // Subscribe push notification this.swRegistration.pushManager.subscribe(opts).then(subscription => { this.log('[sw] Subscribe OK:', subscription); function encode(buffer: ArrayBuffer) { return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buffer))); } // Register this.api('sw/register', { endpoint: subscription.endpoint, auth: encode(subscription.getKey('auth')), publickey: encode(subscription.getKey('p256dh')) }); }) // When subscribe failed .catch(async (err: Error) => { this.logError('[sw] Subscribe Error:', err); // 通知が許可されていなかったとき if ( == 'NotAllowedError') { this.logError('[sw] Subscribe failed due to notification not allowed'); return; } // 違うapplicationServerKey (または gcm_sender_id)のサブスクリプションが // 既に存在していることが原因でエラーになった可能性があるので、 // そのサブスクリプションを解除しておく const subscription = await this.swRegistration.pushManager.getSubscription(); if (subscription) subscription.unsubscribe(); }); }); // The path of service worker script const sw = `/sw.${version}.${lang}.js`; // Register service worker navigator.serviceWorker.register(sw).then(registration => { // 登録成功 this.logInfo('[sw] Registration successful with scope: ', registration.scope); }).catch(err => { // 登録失敗 :( this.logError('[sw] Registration failed: ', err); }); } public requests = []; /** * Misskey APIにリクエストします * @param endpoint エンドポイント名 * @param data パラメータ */ public api(endpoint: string, data: { [x: string]: any } = {}): Promise<{ [x: string]: any }> { if (++pending === 1) { spinner = document.createElement('div'); spinner.setAttribute('id', 'wait'); document.body.appendChild(spinner); } const onFinally = () => { if (--pending === 0) spinner.parentNode.removeChild(spinner); }; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const viaStream = && &&; if (viaStream) { const stream =; const id = Math.random().toString(); stream.once(`api-res:${id}`, res => { if (res == null || Object.keys(res).length == 0) { resolve(null); } else if (res.res) { resolve(res.res); } else { reject(res.e); } }); stream.send({ type: 'api', id, endpoint, data }); } else { // Append a credential if ( (data as any).i =; const req = { id: uuid(), date: new Date(), name: endpoint, data, res: null, status: null }; if (this.debug) { this.requests.push(req); } // Send request fetch(endpoint.indexOf('://') > -1 ? endpoint : `${apiUrl}/${endpoint}`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(data), credentials: endpoint === 'signin' ? 'include' : 'omit', cache: 'no-cache' }).then(async (res) => { const body = res.status === 204 ? null : await res.json(); if (this.debug) { req.status = res.status; req.res = body; } if (res.status === 200) { resolve(body); } else if (res.status === 204) { resolve(); } else { reject(body.error); } }).catch(reject); } }); promise.then(onFinally, onFinally); return promise; } /** * Misskeyのメタ情報を取得します * @param force キャッシュを無視するか否か */ public getMeta(force = false) { return new Promise<{ [x: string]: any }>(async (res, rej) => { if (this.isMetaFetching) { this.once('_meta_fetched_', () => { res(; }); return; } const expire = 1000 * 60; // 1min // forceが有効, meta情報を保持していない or 期限切れ if (force || this.meta == null || - this.meta.chachedAt.getTime() > expire) { this.isMetaFetching = true; const meta = await this.api('meta'); this.meta = { data: meta, chachedAt: new Date() }; this.isMetaFetching = false; this.emit('_meta_fetched_'); res(meta); } else { res(; } }); } public connections: Connection[] = []; public registerStreamConnection(connection: Connection) { this.connections.push(connection); } public unregisterStreamConnection(connection: Connection) { this.connections = this.connections.filter(c => c != connection); } } class WindowSystem extends EventEmitter { public windows = new Set(); public add(window) {; this.emit('added', window); } public remove(window) {; this.emit('removed', window); } public getAll() { return; } } /** * Convert the URL safe base64 string to a Uint8Array * @param base64String base64 string */ function urlBase64ToUint8Array(base64String: string): Uint8Array { const padding = '='.repeat((4 - base64String.length % 4) % 4); const base64 = (base64String + padding) .replace(/\-/g, '+') .replace(/_/g, '/'); const rawData = window.atob(base64); const outputArray = new Uint8Array(rawData.length); for (let i = 0; i < rawData.length; ++i) { outputArray[i] = rawData.charCodeAt(i); } return outputArray; }