tobi 88979b35d4
[chore] Update bun and sqlite dependencies (#478)
* update bun + sqlite versions

* step bun to v1.1.3
2022-04-24 12:26:22 +02:00

99 lines
1.9 KiB

package sqlitedialect
import (
func init() {
if Version() != bun.Version() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("sqlitedialect and Bun must have the same version: v%s != v%s",
Version(), bun.Version()))
type Dialect struct {
tables *schema.Tables
features feature.Feature
func New() *Dialect {
d := new(Dialect)
d.tables = schema.NewTables(d)
d.features = feature.CTE |
feature.WithValues |
feature.Returning |
feature.InsertReturning |
feature.InsertTableAlias |
feature.UpdateTableAlias |
feature.DeleteTableAlias |
feature.InsertOnConflict |
feature.TableNotExists |
return d
func (d *Dialect) Init(*sql.DB) {}
func (d *Dialect) Name() dialect.Name {
return dialect.SQLite
func (d *Dialect) Features() feature.Feature {
return d.features
func (d *Dialect) Tables() *schema.Tables {
return d.tables
func (d *Dialect) OnTable(table *schema.Table) {
for _, field := range table.FieldMap {
func (d *Dialect) onField(field *schema.Field) {
field.DiscoveredSQLType = fieldSQLType(field)
func (d *Dialect) IdentQuote() byte {
return '"'
func (d *Dialect) AppendBytes(b []byte, bs []byte) []byte {
if bs == nil {
return dialect.AppendNull(b)
b = append(b, `X'`...)
s := len(b)
b = append(b, make([]byte, hex.EncodedLen(len(bs)))...)
hex.Encode(b[s:], bs)
b = append(b, '\'')
return b
func fieldSQLType(field *schema.Field) string {
switch field.DiscoveredSQLType {
case sqltype.SmallInt, sqltype.BigInt:
// INTEGER PRIMARY KEY is an alias for the ROWID.
// It is safe to convert all ints to INTEGER, because SQLite types don't have size.
return sqltype.Integer
return field.DiscoveredSQLType