word "english definition" "part of speech" ipa notes
a'enik god N ɑˀenik
a'enu Primus PPR ɑˀenu
a'enus divine ADJ ɑˀenus
a'k eye N ɑˀk "Plural and singular."
a'ket personality N ɑˀket
a'kkimik hated ADJ ɑˀʞimik
a'kkimu dislike N ɑˀʞimu
a'kku hate V ɑˀʞu
a'mo if AFF ɑmo Decepticon.
a'ni hurt V ɑˀni
a'niak pain N ɑˀniɑk
a'niake struggle V ɑˀniɑke
a'nsh trap N ɑˀnʃ
a'sh as AFF ɑˀʃ "Generally Decepticon, although Autobots from rural areas might use it."
a'shen too ADV ɑˀʃen
aahe scream N ɑɑhe
ae'na'kalaa miracle N ɑeˀnɑˀkɑlɑ:
ae'unen blessed ADJ ɑeˀunen
ae'unik prayer N ɑeˀunik
akakan face N ɑkɑkɑn Decepticon.
akakani face ADP ɑkɑkɑni Autobot.
akami'gwi ground N ɑkɑmiˀgʷi
akashan face N ɑkɑʃɑn Decepticon.
akashani face ADP ɑkɑʃɑni Decepticon.
akaw go V ɑkɔ:
akawk in ADP ɑkɔ:k
akl well I ɑkl
akong if AFF ɑkoŋ Autobot
ala many N ɑlɑ
ala else PTC ɑlɑ
ala'sik feeling N ɑlɑˀsik Autobot.
ala'sish feeling N ɑlɑˀsiʃ Decepticon.
alakat speed N ɑlɑkɑt
alas feel V ɑlɑs
alat run V ɑlɑt
alawk many AFF ɑlɔ:k
ana we P ɑnɑ
anake'e only ADP ɑnɑkeˀe
ane Prime PPR ɑne
ang "one who" AFF ɑŋ "Autobot suffix."
asrr "one who" AFF ɑsɹr "Decepticon suffix. Decepticons still use the word ""tskang"" to describe transforming species."
atukta'sh useless ADJ ɑtuktɑˀʃ Decepticon.
atukta'u useless ADJ ɑtuktɑˀu Autobot.
ave'k that DET ɑveʃ Autobot.
avesh that DET ɑveʃ Decepticon.
avo that DET ɑvo
ba'lache animal N bɑˀlɑche "Used by Autobots in general; used by Decepticons to refer to flying animals on Cybertron."
ba'tin incompetent ADJ bɑˀtin
bagwu be V bɑgʷu
balo'kk before C bɑloˀʞ
bash "mind state" N bɑʃ
bashu mind V bɑʃu
bbvi indigo AFF bbvi
bda ice N bdɑ
be'iik weird ADJ beˀi:k Autobot.
be'iish weird ADJ beˀi:ʃ
biinisk until ADP bi:nisk
bisuk now ADV bisuk
blen tongue N blɑn
brek here PTC ʙek
bresh comparative N ʙeʃ Decepticon.
bresho "move on" V ʙeʃo Autobot.
"bro' tska" "organic mode" N "ʙoˀ tskɑ" Autobot.
brok there ADV ʙok Autobot
bros there PTC ʙos Decepticon
bsh maybe PHR r̪̊
"bsh e" "maybe not" PHR "r̪̊ e" "This phrase is the same as the one for ""in your dreams"" for indicating something is impossible."
"bsh e" "in your dreams" PHR "r̪̊ e"
busri'k sadistic ADJ busɹiˀk
buta butter N butɑ "English loanword."
cadak collar N cɑdɑk
callis gullible ADJ cɑʟis
calo send V cɑlo
camak progress N cɑmɑk
cha'ik big ADJ chɑˀik
cha'k red AFF chɑˀk "Autobot. Comes from cha'ne, which means rust."
cha'n red AFF chɑˀn "Decepticon. Comes from cha'ne, which means rust."
chi grow V chi
chking buy V chkiŋ
chu'a train N chuˀɑ
css well ADV cs:
cune "run out of" V cune
dana "part of" ADP dɑnɑ
danos way N dɑnos
dini together N dini
dkadkasinik reference N d̪ɑd̪ɑsinik
dkakalo'sh internet N d̪ɑkɑloˀʃ Autobot.
dkazin location N d̪ɑzin Autoobt.
dke ring V d̪e
dke'ik bell N d̪eˀik
dkekam wrist N d̪ekɑm
dkeksa melody N d̪eksɑ
dksha'shen place N d̪ʃɑˀʃen
dkujuni gay ADJ d̪ud͡zuni
do'n train V doˀn
dom all N dom
dtik fear N dtik
dtish fear N dtik Decepticon.
dtodto coward N dtodto "Onomatopoeia for teeth clenching."
dtodton teeth N dtodton
dtok disagreement N dtok Autobot.
dtosh disagreement N dtoʃ Decepticon.
dtu fear V dtu Autobot.
dtush fear V dtuʃ Decepticon.
du tap V du
e' so ADV Autobot
e'ik mentor N eˀik
e'ne mentor N "That didn't teach a Cybertronian, but is the same generation."
e'nong student N eˀnoŋ
e'onu million NUM eˀonu
e'wawk on ADV eˀwɔ:k
ebok ugly ADJ ebok
eka them PTC ekɑ Autobot
ekar they P ekɑr Autobot
eker "third person possession" PTC eker Autobot
ekeshamu'i appearance N ekeʃɑmuˀi
ekuzra autobot N ekuʐɑ
ekuzukan "Elite Guard" N ekuzukɑn
ela some N elɑ
ela'k else ADV elɑˀk
elawk some AFF elɔ:k
eli'shenma Decepticon PPR eliˀʃenmɑ
elk "color affix" AFF el̪
elku'a'ken rainbow N el̪uˀɑˀken Autobot.
elku'a'shen rainbow N el̪uˀɑˀʃen Decepticon.
eme suck V eme
eming "this place" DET emiŋ Autobot.
emo this DET emo
"enek e" alright I "enek e" Autobot.
erlass obligation N eʀɑs: Decepticon.
erlawk obligation N eʀɔ:k Autobot.
esha them P eʃɑ Decepticon
eshar they P eʃɑr Decepticon
esher "third person possession" AFF eʃer Decepticon
eshin "this place" DET eʃin Decepticon.
esperawnto' Esperanto PPR esperɔ:ntoˀ loanword
esr "second person possession" PTC esɹ Decepticon
esri "second person indicator" AFF esɹi Decepticon.
ess "second person" PTC es: Decepticon
eti'zri confirmed ADJ etiˀʐi
etik "second person possession" PTC etik Autobot
etok "second person" PTC etok Autobot
etoks "second person indicator" AFF etoks Autobot.
eturri'k traitor N etuɹiˀk
ewrth earth N ɜ:rth "Loanword from English, generally used by Autobots."
gwagwang represent V gʷɑgʷɑŋ
gwako countryside N gʷɑko
gwaks "hell no" I gʷɑks "Mainly Decepticon."
gwang show V gʷɑŋ
gwasha prove V gʷɑʃɑ
gwashaneng analysis N gʷɑʃɑneŋ
gwen and C "Used for joining more than two things together."
gwiiu'en mech N gʷi:uˀen
gwo'u'in capacity N gʷoˀuˀin Autobot.
gwonik cadet N gʷonik
gwoso academy N gʷoso
gwoson network N gʷoson
gwupi'zish month N gʷupiˀziʃ
ha'nu over ADJ hɑˀnu
hahek funny ADJ hɑhek
hak hope N hɑk
haka hands N hɑkɑ
hakik hope V hɑkik
halo confuse V hɑlo
han what PTC hɑn
hana'a war N hɑnɑˀɑ
"hana'a durlon" "guerrilla war" N "hɑnɑˀɑ duʀon"
"hana'a isok" "great war" PPR "hɑnɑˀɑ isok"
hana'ik forces N hɑnɑˀik
hana'zek "unarmed combat" N hɑnɑˀzek Autobot
hana'zesh "unarmed combat" N hɑnɑˀzeʃ Decepticon
hanan think V hɑnɑn Decepticon.
hanang wisdom N hɑnɑŋ
hananu mean V hɑnɑnu
haneki'k after ADP hɑnekiˀk Autobot.
haneshi'ma after ADP hɑneʃiˀmɑ Decepticon.
hasak kitchen N hɑsɑk
hasho'a unique ADJ hɑʃoˀɑ Decepticon.
haso these DET hɑso
haso'a unique ADJ hɑsoˀɑ Autobot.
hawnu ever ADV hɔ:nu
hen does PTC hen
henoks thought N henoks Autobot.
henosh thought N henoʃ Decepticon.
hewn can V hɜ:n
hi'en become V hiˀen
hiin why PTC hi:n
hisu where N hisu
hkso tank N hkso
ho'lengik rejected N hoˀleŋik
hok where PTC hok
hon when ADV hon
hona did ADV honɑ
honus ask V honus
hookak "waste oil" N ho:kɑk
hool drink ADJ ho:l
hooml "exhaust pipe" N ho:ml
hotak newscast V hotɑk
hu'ushok "oil stain" N huˀuʃok "Insult used by both main factions."
hun who PTC hun
idoh all AFF idoh
ihok how PTC ihok Autobot
ihosh how PTC ihoʃ Decepticon
ik a AFF ik
iku hello I iku "Decepticons can, but aren't likely to use this phrase."
imdoh except C imdoh
imu negative PTC imu
imuk "no good" ADJ imuk
imulo'ki emptiness N imuloˀki
imuuk stop V imu:k Autobot.
imuuks stop V imu:ks Decepticon.
imuut empty ADJ imu:t
ina our PTC inɑ
iniiwan abandon V ini:wɑn
inik intensifier ADP inik
irli "plural marker" AFF iʀi "Two of one noun."
irlik "plural marker" AFF iʀik "More than two of one noun. Autobot."
irlish "plural marker" AFF iʀiʃ "More than two of one noun. Decepticon."
itoh few AFF itoh
ivinag thief N ivinɑɢ
ja'ka'gwa activate V d͡zɑˀkɑˀgʷɑ Autobot.
ja'ka'sha activate V d͡zɑˀkɑˀgʷɑ Decepticon.
ja'la price N d͡zɑˀlɑ
janika jock N d͡zɑnikɑ
jede'gwe another ADJ d͡zedeˀgʷe
jino three NUM d͡zino
juni love N d͡zuni
juni'takal dearest ADJ d͡zuniˀtɑkɑl
ka'an home N kɑˀɑn
ka'anuume bridge N kɑˀɑnu:me
ka'aplik rent N kɑˀɑplik Autobot.
ka'aplish rent N kɑˀɑpliʃ Decepticon.
ka'en person N kɑˀen
ka'ffa yellow AFF kɑˀffɑ
ka'ine'ana universe N kɑˀineˀɑnɑ
ka'inik world N kɑˀinik
ka'o quit V kɑˀo
ka'om begin V kɑˀom
ka'on end V kɑˀon "Originally an Autobot word; used by Decepticons to refer to a prison city. Used by both factions and NAILS to refer to the conditions of society in general."
ka'ona'e'unuu apocalypse N kɑˀonɑˀeˀunu: "Mainly Decepticon."
kak slag N kɑk
kakane'i assassin N kɑkɑneˀi Autobot.
kale'eng remember V kɑleˀeŋ
kanaks assume V kɑnɑks
kanan think V kɑnɑn Autobot.
"kanen e" "in fact" ADJ "kɑnen e"
kang requirement N kɑŋ Autobot.
kanga ten NUM kɑŋɑ
kankik "go to war" V kɑnkik Autobot.
kankon fight V kɑnkon Autobot.
kansu quickly ADV kɑnsu
kash four NUM kɑʃ
kashane'i assassin N kɑʃɑneˀi Decepticon.
ke' everything N keˀ "Shared with word for life."
ke' life N keˀ
ke'a try V keˀɑ
ke'aik body N keˀɑik Autobot
ke'aisrh body N keˀɑisɹh Decepticon
ke'kanga people N keˀkɑŋɑ
ke'me spark N keˀme
ke'nu pet N keˀnu
ke'o everyone N keˀo
ke'terev heal V keˀterev
keke itch V keke
ki'a is V kiˀɑ Autobot
ki'an good N kiˀɑn Decepticon.
ki'anu trust V kiˀɑnu
ki'o worthy ADJ kiˀo
ki'u'lat respect N kiˀuˀlɑt
kipkip walk V kipkip Autobot.
kippek come V kippek Autobot.
kka'l bite N ʞɑˀl
klak clang I klɑk
ko' do AUX koˀ "Generally Autobot."
koke share V koke
kolang brain N kolɑŋ
kom best ADJ kom
ksa'ksa "all over" ADP ksɑˀksɑ
ksa'nisu anywhere ADV ksɑˀnisu
ksadke catch V ksɑd̪e Autobot.
ksako available ADJ ksɑko
ksana'ni find V ksɑnɑˀni
ksasre catch V ksɑsɹe Decepticon.
kse'i paper N kseˀi
kse-rlan "repeat information for emphasis" AUX "kse ʀɑn" "used for Autobot military codewords"
ksek say V ksek Autobot.
ksekema bulletin N ksekemɑ
ksekik voice N ksekik
ku'azre beautiful N kuˀɑʐe "Generally Decepticon."
kuma all-spark N kumɑ
kumama'sha tombstone N kumɑmɑˀʃɑ
kumama'shen "Well of Allsparks" PPR kumɑmɑˀʃen
kuman holy ADJ kumɑn
kumane'nu "great power" N kumɑneˀnu
kumi'a energon N kumiˀɑ
kumu tasty ADJ kumu
kumuk taste V kumuk
kunik target N kunik
kunjuni'k beloved ADJ kund͡zuniˀk
"kunjuni'k enge'duraw" partner N "kund͡zuniˀk eŋeˀdurɔ:" "This has been translated from Cybertronian to English inuniverse as ""conjunx endurae"""
kuno'o let V kunoˀo
kunuuk purpose N kunu:k
kuu landscape N ku:
kuzen order V kuzen
kuzenik rule N kuzenik
kwana "are (we)" PHR qʷɑnɑ
la drop N
la'en eat V lɑˀen
laat need ADV lɑ:t Autobot.
lan next ADJ lɑn
lat zip V lɑt
latiiks jump V lɑti:ks Autobot.
latiish jump V lɑti:ʃ Decepticon.
leesa'i usually N le:sɑˀi
lek i P lek Autobot
leks my P leks Autobot
ligwan weekend N ligʷɑn
lka "may be" AUX l̪ɑ
lkan about ADP l̪ɑn
lluk tight ADJ ʟuk
lluma want V ʟumɑ
lo'heshik tablet N loˀheʃik
loh totem N loh
lohe'kema collection N loheˀkemɑ
lohe'umi idolise V loheˀumi
lohens mark N lohens
lohoki precious ADJ lohoki
lohu luxury ADJ lohu
loke'e discarded ADJ lokeˀe
lona act N lonɑ Autobot.
luma'sh desire N lumɑˀʃ Decepticon.
lumac desire N lumɑc Autobot.
ma little ADJ
ma'enunuki gracious ADJ mɑˀenunuki
ma'ossiik call V mɑˀos:i:k Autobot.
maasho linger V mɑ:ʃo Decepticon
makkowa "vocal processor" N mɑʞowɑ
maku poor ADJ mɑku
makwo'ik capital N mɑqʷoˀik "Generally Autobot."
manga rock N mɑŋɑ
mangsutt quietly ADV mɑŋsut:
maro'n continue V mɑroˀn "Generally Autobot."
masu'itik freedom N mɑsuˀitik
mawke hostage N mɔ:ke "Autobot. Originates from ""brainless"""
mawsh tell V mɔ:ʃ Decepticon.
mawshe'n liar N mɔ:ʃeˀn
mejhu boring ADJ med͡zhu
melet melt N melet "English loanword."
meli'gwiich true ADJ meliˀgʷi:ch
melish actually ADV meliʃ
mello'ssiik name N meʟoˀs:i:k
mello'u identify V meʟoˀu
menk "opposite mark" AFF menk
merr-imu "shut up" I "meɹ imu" Autobot.
mewn cause V mɜ:n
mi'mi cry V miˀmi
mi'min empathy N miˀmin
miiku "consist of" N mi:ku
miksu'nakna rain V miksuˀnɑknɑ
mimo clone N mimo
mimu'en precision N mimuˀen
min over ADV min
mina'tke fill N minɑˀt̪e
momi height N momi
mong other N moŋ Autobot.
mook against ADP mo:k Autobot.
moosh against ADP mo:ʃ Decepticon.
mos other N mos Decepticon.
mwadeng community N ʍɑdeŋ
na we P
na'bren must N nɑˀʙen
na'ka flower V nɑˀkɑ
na'ko crystal N nɑˀko
na'shen smart ADJ nɑˀʃen
na'zru have V nɑˀʐu
naka'chai wise ADJ nɑkɑˀchɑi
naka'en bloom V nɑkɑˀen
nakna water N nɑknɑ
nang put V nɑŋ
nanik high ADJ nɑnik
navikku'u weapon N nɑviʞuˀu Autobot
navisru'u weapon N nɑvisɹuˀu Decepticon.
nawal mountain N nɔ:ɑl
nek alright I nek "Urban Autobot dialect."
ng to PTC ŋ
ng of ADP ŋ
ngaw and C "Used for joining two things."
nge'je "take off" N ŋeˀd͡ze
ngo' for N ŋoˀ "Prefixed to verbs."
ngu or N ŋu
ngus from ADV ŋus
ngut at ADP ŋut
ni'ne with ADP niˀne
nka'kk thunder N nkɑˀʞ
"nova'e miik" "space corps" N "novɑˀe mi:k" Autobot.
novake' white ADJ novɑkeˀ
noves atone V noves
novu'en neutron N novuˀen
odinew "status quo" N odinɜ:
ohka colour N ohkɑ
pa'ek pit N pɑˀek
pa'unik mission N pɑˀunik
pahnga mudflap N pɑhŋɑ
pake'o'ke punishment N pɑkeˀoˀke
pan new AFF pɑn
parik pity N pɑrik
pario'oott pathetic ADJ pɑrioˀo:t:
parow weak ADJ pɑrow
pawon fail V pɔ:on
pch either ADV pch
pe'rr could AUX peˀɹ
pesi'gwewen judgement N pesiˀgʷɜ:en "Used typically in Decepticon courts."
pezome' long ADP pezomeˀ
peztewk courage N peztɜ:k
pi'zisu anytime ADV piˀzisu
piku memory N piku
pirlik suddenly ADV piʀik
pizi time N pizi
pizi'ek eternity N piziˀek
pizun upon ADP pizun
plako greed N plɑko
ple pay V ple
plesro "pay attention" I plesɹo
pluu dispose V plu:
pri'gwe lawyer N priˀgʷe Autobot.
prro'w bumper N pɹoˀw
pula spread V pulɑ
qu'edal "fit in" V quˀedɑl
qwa'u'lat forgiveness N qʷɑˀuˀlɑt Autobot.
revk give V revk
rlan again ADV ʀɑn
rro talk V ɹo
rung wake V ruŋ
rungona fired ADV ruŋonɑ
sagok "positive affix" I sɑɢok "Autobot. Used when answering a question literally means ""answer""."
sane'ik rule N sɑneˀik Decepticon.
sassake'n paint V sɑs:ɑkeˀn Autobot.
sassashe'n paint V sɑs:ɑʃeˀn Decepticon.
savik lance N sɑvik
se'e sound ADJ seˀe
seks my P seks Decepticon
ses i P ses Decepticon
sesr same ADJ sesɹ
sha'k anyone N ʃɑˀk Autobot.
sha'ka anyone N ʃɑˀkɑ Decepticon.
sha'u'lat forgiveness N ʃɑˀuˀlɑt Decepticon.
shakalo'sh internet N ʃɑkɑloˀʃ Decepticon.
shalaik bag N ʃɑlɑik
shale' hold V ʃɑleˀ Decepticon
shalek hold V ʃɑlek Autobot
shalesken bring V ʃɑlesken
shalla night N ʃɑʟɑ
shalleng "take offline" V ʃɑʟeŋ
shallik die V ʃɑʟik Autobot
shallis die V ʃɑʟis Decepticon
shalluk dead ADJ ʃɑʟuk
shalo'ki darkness N ʃɑloˀki
shaloki imposing ADJ ʃɑloki
shaluuk grab V ʃɑlu:k
shamama'shen cesspool N ʃɑmɑmɑˀʃen
shaneng test N ʃɑneŋ
shanga hundred NUM ʃɑŋɑ
shanik money N ʃɑnik
shao extra ADJ ʃɑo
sharla hear V ʃɑʀɑ
shash bad AFF ʃɑʃ
shash despair N ʃɑʃ
shashen "evil doer" N ʃɑʃen "Used generally by Decepticons to refer to Autobots."
shashi cursed ADJ ʃɑʃi
shashi'sh evil ADJ ʃɑʃiˀʃ Decepticon
shashik chaos N ʃɑʃik
shashung broken ADJ ʃɑʃuŋ
shasr comrade N ʃɑsɹ Decepticon.
shazin location N ʃɑzin Decepticon.
shello'k breath N ʃeʟoˀk
shenk crime N ʃenk
shenkuk convict N ʃenkuk
shha burn V ʃhɑ
shha'k orange AFF ʃhɑˀk "Comes from flames."
shhwo shuttle N ʃhwo
shi'i family N ʃiˀi "Generally Autobot. Decepticons might use it in a similar vein to ""shanra"" comrade."
shi'ngsho suspicious ADJ ʃiˀŋʃo
shika firstly ADV ʃikɑ
shila'enu "i'm sorry" I ʃilɑˀenu
shilu'en fem N ʃiluˀen
shino one P ʃino
shippesh come V ʃippeʃ Decepticon.
shipship walk V ʃipʃip Decepticon.
shish fly V ʃiʃ
shiu'u'lat save V ʃiuˀuˀlɑt Decepticon.
shke' back ADV ʃkeˀ "Onomatopoeia for robotic noises."
sho'a drunk N ʃoˀɑ "Urban Autobot dialect."
sho'kodksha'shen assembly N ʃoˀkod̪ʃɑˀʃen
sho'kon meet V ʃoˀkon
sho'lon speak V ʃoˀlon Autobot.
sho'losh speak V ʃoˀloʃ Decepticon.
sho'tke drunk N ʃoˀt̪e
shok oil N ʃok
shola speaker N ʃolɑ
shrangen serene ADJ ʃrɑŋen
shu'n worry V ʃuˀn
shu'nakka worrisome ADJ ʃuˀnɑʞɑ
shun scare V ʃun
shuna temperament N ʃunɑ Decepticon.
shuness goodbye I ʃunes: Decepticon.
shunk temperament N ʃunk Autobot.
silok "each other's" PPR silok "Suffixed to nouns."
simet "will not" AUX simet
simu not DET simu
simu'hakan "stasis cuff" N simuˀhɑkɑn "Plural exclusively."
simuk remove V simuk
sinu'u'lat save V sinuˀuˀlɑt Autobot.
sizz bug N sɪz Decepticon.
ska care V skɑ
skhk lightning N skhk
skoni old ADJ skoni Autobot
sle'slen prepare V sleˀslen
slkans "throw away" V sl̪ɑns
slu rough ADJ slu
slu'us drown V sluˀus
sluukla'ik hitchhiker N slu:klɑˀik
sra' so ADV sɹɑˀ Decepticon
srahela believe N sɹɑhelɑ Decepticon.
srale'an unborn ADJ sɹɑleˀɑn
srasane'mi leadership N sɹɑsɑneˀmi "Used by Decepticons exclusively."
"sre' tska" "organic mode" N "sɹeˀ tskɑ" Decepticon
srek say V sɹek Decepticon.
sresh urge N sɹeʃ
srlak mysterious N sɹlɑk
srro jet N sɹro
srru sleep N sɹru
sru but C sɹu Decepticon.
ssanu "be sorry" V s:ɑnu
sseka'an escape V s:ekɑˀɑn
sseki'k spy N s:ekiˀk
ssekis spy V s:ekis
sseksu hide V s:eksu
sshan secret ADJ s:hɑn
sshu'it fire N s:huˀit Decepticon.
sshu'k fire N s:huˀk Autobot.
sshuna'numa flammable ADJ s:hunɑˀnumɑ
ssoma surprised ADJ s:omɑ
ssrono wild ADJ s:rono
suka fate N sukɑ Autobot.
sulku'ik "go missing" V sul̪uˀik
suma'ene fate N sumɑˀene Decepticon.
sush thing N suʃ Autobot.
susho thing N suʃo Decepticon.
suun "politeness particle" PTC su:n
swe'sho "aircraft carrier" N sweˀʃo
swen cloud N swen
"ta'an cav" codeword N "tɑˀɑn cɑv" "Autobot military usage."
ta'anak speech N tɑˀɑnɑk Autobot.
ta'anash speech N tɑˀɑnɑʃ Decepticon.
ta'anik language N tɑˀɑnik
ta'anseki lie V tɑˀɑnseki
ta'ansi'k lie N tɑˀɑnsiˀk
ta'anuk read N tɑˀɑnuk
ta'ashun hint N tɑˀɑʃun
ta'av comment N tɑˀɑv
ta'fik arsenal N tɑˀfik
tai'o alive ADJ tɑiˀo
tai'wik "living metal" N tɑiˀwik
talu'is forget V tɑluˀis
tan word N tɑn
tanong flash N tɑnoŋ
tati'k help V tɑtiˀk
te "future tense" PTC te "Comes after verbs; affixed if there's no affix already and comes after if the verb is already affixed."
tem get V tem
tetik future N tetik
ti'iinishik writing N tiˀi:niʃik
ti'iinu write V tiˀi:niʃik
ti'ke "second person" PTC toˀke "Urban Autobot dialect used to refer to ""you"". Generally suffixed to a noun to indicate possession much like etik."
tka'k violet AFF t̪ɑˀk
tka'n green ADJ t̪ɑˀn
tka'o blue AFF t̪ɑˀo
tkesen sassy ADJ t̪esen
tlkttk spin V tl̪t:k
to'ke "second person" PTC toˀke "Urban Autobot dialect used to refer to ""you"". Generally suffixed to a verb much like etok."
"to'ke rla" yo I "toˀke ʀɑ" "Urban Autobot dialect."
tok command I tok Autobot.
tom few N tom
tshetshe creative ADJ tʃetʃe
tshik build V tʃik
tshka transform V tʃkɑ
tsk bot N tsk "Shortening of ""tskanga"" Transformer."
tska'inik Cybertron PPR tskɑˀinik
tska'kku discriminatory ADJ tskɑˀʞu
tskai'ik kibble N tskɑiˀik
tskait "alternate mode" N tskɑit
tskanga transformer N tskɑŋ
tsklanik crazy ADJ tsklɑnik
ttshung carve V t:ʃuŋ
ttshuns dent V t:ʃuns
tu'la'ng bread N tuˀlɑˀŋ
tuka'simii extinct ADJ tukɑˀsimi: Autobot.
tung disperse V tuŋ
tushasimii extinct ADJ tuʃɑsimi:
tuukik temptation N tu:kik Autobot.
tuukish temptation N tu:kiʃ Deception.
tuuks tempt V tu:ks
u protoform N u "Yep, not a typo. This word is a single letter."
u'naa realise V uˀnɑ:
u'ni see N uˀni
u'ni born V uˀni
u'ni'tav access N uˀniˀtɑv
u'nik birth N uˀnik
u'nong person N uˀnoŋ "Mentorship term for a bot of same generation as speaker."
u'on twin N uˀon
u'tiik use V uˀti:k
u'tski "protoform mould" N uˀtski
ujaaka'un servo N ud͡zɑ:kɑˀun
ump sad ADJ ump
umpik sadness N umpik Autobot.
umpish sadness N umpiʃ Decepticon.
umpuna'ik regret N umpunɑˀik
unada destiny N unɑdɑ
uui'nish society N u:iˀniʃ Decepticon
va'rro car N vɑˀɹo
va'rrona'ik "race car" N vɑˀɹonɑˀik
vaiio know V vɑi:o
vakak "looks like" V vɑkɑʃ Autobot.
vakan sight N vɑkɑn
vakash "looks like" V vɑkɑʃ Decepticon.
vakavik stare V vɑkɑvik
vaku check V vɑku
vo'li message N voˀli
vo'lik transmission N voˀlik
wa'tka nanobot N wɑˀt̪ɑ
wane got V wɑne
wehik grow V wehik
wkark bug N wkɑrk Autobot.
wohas shrink V wohɑs
wu air N wu
wu'swen horizon N wuˀswen
xwka bumbler N qʷkɑ
zogwa "happen as a result" V zogʷɑ
zra'sso "just as" C ʐɑˀs:o
zrezu count V ʐezu
zronen kill V ʐonen
zroneni'ik kill N ʐoneniˀik